Bridging Psyche and Matter

  5 Week Online Course

May 7 - June 4, 2024

Tuesday Evenings
7.30pm - 9.00pm

Presenter: Robert Matthews (PhD)

“In my picture of the world there is a vast outer realm and an equally vast inner realm; between these two stands man, facing now one and now the other … “

“For millennia our forebears lived in an ensouled world. Spirits, fairies, gods, goddesses, even the world itself had a soul – at least until the ‘Age of Enlightenment.’ This way of meeting with life was replaced with materialism, where the world is ‘just so much stuff’ and at our mercy to control. But this view too is breaking down – we yearn for an ensouled world again. Jung’s psychology has given many of us a way back, through our dreams and fantasies we can find a vital inner life, but what of the outside world?

Jon James