Announcing our 2017 Programme

2017 is designated a “One” year in numerology - supposedly indicating the commencement of a new cycle.

In at least one respect this will be the case as at the AGM in April, as following a challenging and rewarding four years at the helm, Derry will stand down as President of the Jung Society.

This 2017 programme intends to shatter habitual ways of looking at the world.  Not the least will be the ABC RN presenter: Dr Rachel Kohn, who in June will pose the question:  "Just how helpful is Jung in today's religious and cultural environment"   This lecture will be sure to generate conversation - so don't miss it.

The early part of the year is devoted to ‘soul’ work: Jung himself commented that "our conscious mind does not comprehend the soul".  Emeritus Professor David Tacey will explore Dr Jung's ambivalence to the anima mundi - or 'world soul' - a concept which predicates that we live in an animated universe. Suzanne Cremen will spotlight just how money serves a a projection carrier for the soul, while Dr Stephani Stephens will unveil Jung's visionary encounters with the departed. Dr Susanna Benson will illuminate how anticipatory 'big dreams' so often come in times of transition.  The insidious 'gorilla in the room' of climate change will jointly be revealed by Drs Sally Gillespie and Jonathan Marshall.

2017 will feature three short courses: the ever popular Core Concepts Course / Archetypes in Depth (ways to conduct a personal dialogue with archetypal patterns) / and Archetypal Patterns in Fairytales, no. 2 (continued dissection & interpretation of the dynamics & motifs contained within fairy tales) The latter will be preceded by a special lecture by Irene Nuria Daly on 'The Witch as Teacher'.

During the afternoon this Society's highlight of 2016 - the symposium, 'Constructing a Third Millennium Spirituality' - a groundswell of calls arose for deeper delving into the 'Divine Feminine' (or feminine divine). Consequently commencing in September we will indulge in 8-weeks of guest lectures, workshops, and a special series of Monday evenings looking into the feminine consciousness.  International lecturers Drs Safron Rossi & Glen Slater will set the stage followed by the formidable Dr Kaalii Cargil, Juliana Kaya Prpic, Dr Kaye Gersch, Merav Carmeli, Remi B Messenger, Dr Joanna Kujawa, Evelynne Joffe and Merilee Bennett.

Males are sure to find the whole Divine Feminine series most insightful !!

Dally Messenger III will conclude our 2017 program with aJungian-framed review of Australia’s own contribution to the world: ‘secular’ ceremonies.

The planning of this deep and innovative program completes Derry’s outstanding contribution to the Jung Society of Melbourne - and we encourage you to participate!

             Derry Doyle                         Sheila Lamont-Stacey

             President                             Vice-President

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